Register for our upcoming GCSAA webinar:
Knowing More About Kyllinga and Control Options
Wednesday, April 26
1:00 p.m. EST
In this 60-minute presentation, Matt Elmore, Ph.D., Rutgers University, will discuss false-green kyllinga management in cool-season turfgrass. False-green kyllinga is a perennial sedge species commonly found on golf course fairways, roughs and sometimes putting greens. You’ll learn about the life cycle, biology, and management options for control. Herbicide programs that integrate various management strategies common in fairways and roughs will be examined.
About the Instructor
Matt Elmore, Ph.D., is an assistant extension specialist in weed science – turfgrass, landscapes, pastures and forages at Rutgers University. He earned his bachelors at Penn State, masters and Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee. Prior to joining Rutgers, Elmore had an extension appointment at Texas A & M University where his research efforts explored new strategies to control problematic weeds and reduce irrigation inputs in turfgrass. His program at Rutgers focuses on novel strategies to control weeds with fewer pesticide inputs. Elmore has been a GCSAA member for 14 years and has taught both seminars and webinars for the association.