Converting rough areas can reduce costs and labor, but best management practices are necessary to maintain the aesthetic that golfers expect.
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Vexis® Herbicide Granular Approved for Use in New York
PBI-Gordon announces that Vexis® recently received approval by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for use in the state.
VIDEO: Spreader Calibration & Application Tips for Vexis®
Vexis delivers exceptional control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds. But you have to apply Vexis correctly, and that means applying the correct amount.
Sound Advice for Effective Nutsedge Control
Learn how to identify and control nutsedge (Cyperus spp.), a warm-season perennial weed many turf pros face every growing season.
Best Management Practice for Yellow Nutsedge Control
Best Management Practice for how to identify and effectively control yellow nutsedge (also known as nutgrass or watergrass).
Best Management Practice for False Green Kyllinga Control
Best Management Practice for how to identify and effectively control false green kyllinga, a difficult-to-control perennial sedge.
EPA Approves New Vexis® Herbicide Granular
PBI-Gordon Corporation announces that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently approved Federal registration for Vexis® Herbicide Granular.