Matt Elmore, Ph.D., from Rutgers University, will discuss false-green kyllinga management in cool-season turfgrass.
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WEBINAR: Management of Root Diseases on Golf Courses
Jim Kerns, Ph.D., will discuss the latest and greatest information on spring dead spot, fairy ring, summer patch and take-all root rot.
WEBINAR: Optimizing a Pythium Rotation Program
Joseph Roberts, Ph.D., will cover the array of Pythium diseases, how they infect both cool- and warm-season turfgrasses, and what management options are available for control.
WEBINAR: Chemical & Cultural Strategies for Poa annua Control on Golf Courses
Shawn Askew, Ph.D., provides both chemical and cultural control strategies for Poa annua on golf courses in this 60-minute webinar.
WEBINAR: Best Management Practices for Fine Fescue High Grass Areas
Steve McDonald will discuss best practices to maintain weed-free and aesthetically pleasing fine fescue high grass areas on golf courses.
WEBINAR: Develop Your Fairy Ring Control Plan
Mike Fidanza, Ph.D., examines the biology and ecology for proper identification of fairy ring in this 60-minute webinar.
WEBINAR: Hiring and Retaining Good Employees
Tyler Bloom explores different solutions for staff succession planning to create a viable and sustainable employee development program at your facility.
WEBINAR: Demethylation Inhibiting (DMI) Fungicides
Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., explains how demethylation inhibiting (DMI) fungicides are a powerful tool for management of turfgrass pathogens.