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Research & Development Field Report – 6th Edition

The PBI-Gordon Research & Development Team is pleased to present the Sixth Edition of the R&D Field Report. This report contains scientific information to support the important work underway by our agronomic partners, distribution representatives, and end-users. Our intent is to provide useful, research-based information prior to the seasonal emergence of pests. You can look for updated R&D Field Reports on a quarterly basis throughout 2024.

NEW PRODUCT CORNER – Aethon® Herbicide SL for Turfgrass


  • Pyrimisulfan soil characteristics
    • Questions on pyrimisulfan soil persistence and half-life have been raised. Other active ingredients do have a longer half-life, but half-life does not always equal herbicide activity.
    • The soil half-life of pyrimisulfan is ~18 to 159 days; whereas sulfentrazone is ~121 to 302 days and halosulfuron ~4 to 34 days.
    • Half-life is the amount of time to reduce any herbicide concentration by 50%. Many environmental factors influence this such as soil moisture, texture, temperature, organic matter, and pH.
    • Active ingredient properties like soil sorption, mobility, and solubility also influence the half-life, moreover, they drive soil herbicide activity. Pyrimisulfan is mobile in soil and water soluble facilitating its soil herbicide activity.
    • Pyrimisulfan soil characteristics also allow the active ingredient to be formulated as a granular product. Furthermore, field efficacy data indicate longer-term control than other active ingredients currently available in the turfgrass market.
  • Set yourself up for success: NOW is the time to begin controlling summer weeds! Immature weeds are most susceptible to herbicides and environmental conditions facilitate herbicide activity.
    • Crabgrass and goosegrass
    • Sedges and Kyllinga
      • These weeds will begin to grow more underground tubers and/or rhizomes sooner rather than later, so early-POST applications are critical for long-term control.
      • Arkon™ Herbicide Liquid will provide season-long control of nutsedge and kyllinga with well-timed spring applications.
      • Two applications at 1.25 oz./1,000 ft2 (30-45 days apart) is most consistent herbicide program and safe on cool- and warm-season turfgrasses including putting greens.
    • Broadleaf weeds
      • Difficult-to-control weeds such as Virginia buttonweed, doveweed, Oxalis, wild violet, and ground ivy most always require two herbicide applications for complete control.
      • The initial herbicide application at an early-POST timing doesn’t allow these weeds to fully mature to a point when herbicides are far less effective.


  • Dollar Spot
    • Documented resistance of the dollar spot pathogen(s) to the following fungicide groups exists: SDHI (i.e. boscalid), DMI (i.e. propiconazole), benzimidazole (i.e. thiophanate-methyl) and dicarboximide (i.e. iprodione).
      • Consider adding fluazinam or chlorothalonil to the tank when applying these modes of action.
    • For extended interval products (21-to-28-day intervals), monitor forecasted environmental conditions and reapply products if disease conditions are conducive to prevent dollar spot breakthrough.
  • Summer patch
    • Now is the time to initiate a preventive summer patch program (>65° F 2-inch soil depth). 3 applications of Tekken® Broad Spectrum Fungicide on a 28-day interval provides industry leading control of summer patch in research trials.
    • Programs with 3 to 4 preventive applications at the high rate typically perform best.
    • Combination products with DMI + strobilurin fungicides are ideal in a rotational program.
    • Immediate post-application irrigation of at least 1/8” is required for any product choice.
  • Pythium blight on perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass
    • Applications of Segway® Fungicide SC 0.5 fl. oz./1,000 sq. ft. on 14-day interval are highly recommended when environmental conditions are conducive for disease to develop.
      • >85° F daytime, >65° F nighttime, 90% relative humidity for 14 hours or more.
    • Propamocarb and mefenoxam are optimal rotation partners with Segway, phosphites offer additional control, but are best used when disease pressure is low.
  • Pythium root rot of bentgrass or bent/Poa putting greens
    • Now is the time to initiate a Pythium root rot program (>60° F 2-inch soil depth).
    • Alternating 14-day program of Segway at 0.45 fl. oz./1,000 sq. ft. and picarbutrazox is the best program afforded to turfgrass managers.
    • Immediate post-application irrigation of at least 1/8” is required.


  • Preventive white grub control
    • Preventive white grub treatments are optimally applied at the first sign of adult activity.
      • Immediately irrigate following the application to ensure maximum efficacy.
      • Optimal preventive control is achieved with active ingredients including chlorantraniliprole, clothianidin and imidacloprid.


    • Planning for the summer fungicide applications, fungicide formulations can differ even if they have the same active ingredient at the same percentage.
      • The bulk of all fungicides are suspension concentrates (SC), which means the active ingredient has been milled to increase the performance of the fungicide. Preliminary lab analysis of non-exclusive fungicides reveal particle size of the active ingredient can be up to 3 times larger than an exclusive, name brand fungicide. This can decrease the efficacy of the product, impacting pathogen control.
      • Co-formulants can likewise differ, impacting the wetting and penetration properties of the fungicide to control the specified pathogen. PBI-Gordon has optimized these properties to deliver the Pythium control needed with Segway.
    • EWs (Stable Emulsion in Water) and SEs (SuspoEmulsions) remove solvents used in traditional ECs (emulsifiable concentrates), decreasing the VOC (volatile organic content) contribution to the atmosphere. SpeedZone® EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf, SpeedZone® Southern EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf, and TZone™ SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Tough Weeds offer reliable weed control, with increased environmental stewardship. Other attributes include:
      • Lower odor profile – compared to traditional ECs (emulsifiable concentrates) that are solvent-based.
      • Reduced drift potential- stop motion video scans reveal reduction of small droplets that can lead to off-target applications.

Aethon®, Arkon™, and TZone™ are trademarks, and Q4®, SpeedZone®, and Tekken® are registered trademarks of PBI-Gordon Corp.

Segway® is a registered trademark of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd.

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