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Best Management Practice for False Green Kyllinga Control

A difficult-to-control perennial sedge, false green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) spreads via rhizomes below the soil surface to form a dense mat that can choke out stands of desirable turf species. A close relative of yellow nutsedge, it prefers wetter soils with poor drainage as well as areas that receive frequent irrigation.

False green kyllinga is well-adapted to a wide range of mowing heights, often thriving in stands of grass mowed lower than ¼ inch. Unmanaged, false green kyllinga will go dormant after the first frost, and will return and expand each growing season.

Identifying False Green Kyllinga

False green kyllinga

False green kyllinga is well-adapted to a wide range of mowing heights, often thriving in stands mowed lower than ¼ inch.

  • Triangular-shaped stem
  • Late summer flower (small green seedhead)
  • Dense, matted areas; lighter green color than most grasses
  • Mats can choke out existing turf species


Like most weeds, dense, healthy turf is the first step in effective control of false green kyllinga. Mechanical removal methods include sod-cutting affected areas at depths greater than the existing network of rhizomes. The presence of false green kyllinga can indicate a need to adjust irrigation output and/or improve drainage to alleviate perpetually saturated soil.

Pre-emergent herbicides are not an effective means of control. Post-emergent herbicide applications should be made in the late spring or early summer before the plant has time to establish or expand its network of rhizomes. Follow-up applications to re-emerging shoots may be required to achieve full control. Re-establishment of desirable grass species is likely required.

Vexis® for False Green Kyllinga Control

Vexis® Herbicide Granular uses the proprietary new active ingredient pyrimisulfan to deliver exceptional control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds. It can be applied to wet or dry turf, and the granular formulation reduces the potential for drift or off-target application.

  • Labeled for use on listed cool-season and established warm‑season turfgrasses, including bermudagrass (common and hybrid), fine and tall fescues, and improved varieties of St. Augustinegrass
  • For both warm- and cool-season turfgrasses, apply Vexis® at 4 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Vexis® Herbicide Granular

False Green Kyllinga Trial

Rutgers University – Application Date: June 7 fb July 3, 2018

DAT: Days After Treatment DAIT: Days After Initial Treatment
DAST: Days After Second Treatment fb: followed by

DAT: Days After Treatment
DAIT: Days After Initial Treatment
DAST: Days After Second Treatment
fb: followed by

Always read and follow label directions.

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